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Career & Job Exploration

Tehachapi Job Postings

Tehachapi Job Postings

Potential Employees: We will post active jobs that have been shared with us, for the benefit of high school students.
Employers: WE NEED YOU! Please send us any job referrals and opportunities you would like for us to help you fill!
Tehachapi High School will produce graduates who are...
Workforce Ready
Academic Achievers
Responsible, Respectful Citizens
Reflective, Healthy, Active Adults
Independent Thinkers
Ongoing Pursuers of Knowledge
Resourceful and Effective Communicators
Service-Oriented Community Members
Work Permit

Work Permit

  1. Sign and Date,
  2. Have your parent/guardian sign and date,
  3. Have your employer fill it out.
Return completed documents to Mrs. Franchere in the Career Center for processing.
Work Permits can take up to 2 business days for processing.
Click here to View/Print Permit
Career Assessment Sites

Career Assessment Sites

These helpful sites will lead you to assessment tools in discovering the right trade for you.